Orders will ship out within 1 to 2 business days from the time of purchase*. Please note our warehouse is closed on weekends and USPS holidays**, and we are unable to ship out packages on these days.
Our order cut-off time is 10:00 AM PST, so any order placed after 10:00 AM PST will be considered a next business day order. (Example: If an order is placed on Monday at 1:00 PM PST, it will be considered a Tuesday order). Orders that are placed on weekends or holidays will be considered a next business day order. (Example: If order is placed on Saturday, it will be considered a Monday order)
After your order is shipped out, it usually takes about 24-48 hours for any tracking services to update. (If no updates are made on your tracking information after 48 hours, please contact our Customer Support Team for more assistance)
Please Note:
* If your order contains pre-order or back-ordered item(s), the order will ship out once all items in the order are available; split-shipping is currently not available. Availability for items are each mentioned on its product page.
** A list of USPS Holidays can be found